My good friend Danilo Carlucci launched a really cool platform last week called CryptoAtlas. I have had the opportunity to test drive the early versions and I am impressed with where it is headed. Essentially, CryptoAtlas is a crypto community that is focused on product discovery and community engagement. CryptoAtlas highlights new products and resources every day (for example a few days ago they pushed an interesting product called Parachute there), and allows you to create your own list of Favorite Products and Favorite Coins.

As an example, you can check out my own profile here. As you can see in the below screenshot, I have created my list of favorite products and resources, as well as added my partners and supporters. On the coin front, I have also made a list of coins I like (and hold).

Unlike all other websites that are quantitative “data/analytics” platforms, CryptoAtlas focuses on the “community sentiment” and qualitative data. The site is still in its infancy but for example if you look at their Rankings page, and the subsequent categories, you will notice that quality products or services are always indexed at the top. My own newsletter and podcast are there.

One more thing worth mentioning is that CryptoAtlas has an Opinion Leaders section where you can discover what other people from the industry have favorited in terms of products or coins. For instance, you can see profiles from investors like Adam Benayoun from Collider Capital, or Ruben Merre, founder of (whom I interviewed in the Podcast before) or YouTuber Boxmining.

I will be using CryptoAtlas regularly to curate my list of favorite products and coins as well as to push out more content once they have those features enabled. In the meantime, I will be hosting an AMA on the platform sometime soon -> sign up here and start posting your questions! Hope you enjoy the platform as much as I do!